My Passion

There is something magical to me about the ability to capture a moment and feeling and have that to look back on and always remember. I am an incredibly sentimental person and photographs are my prized possessions, even more so since having kids. They spend hours thumbing through our photo albums and I love seeing the spark of excitement they get remembering little things. It's the little things that I never want to forget.

Light and emotion are what draws me to an image and I strive to bring that out in my clients, but you won’t even notice me trying. I have a lot of experience and skill in creating situations where you feel so comfortable that who you are can really come out and be captured on camera.

About me

When I’m not taking pictures, comfy pants and hoodies is how you’ll find me sitting on the couch watching movies or binge watching a great TV show.  Also, I talk pretty fluently through gifs. This isn’t really related to anything, just a super power I like to mention.

My happy place is the beach. There is something about listening to the waves and watching the water stretch out forever that calms me. Feeling the sun on my skin is probably my favorite thing in the world. 

I am obsessed with Tillamook Mudslide ice cream. I add milk to it, which is something my husband does and I thought was super weird at first and now I can’t have ice cream without it. And, while I consider myself a sharing and giving person, I don’t share my Mudslide. Ever. Imagine Joey Tribbiani yelling “Joey doesn’t share food!” That’s me, but about ice cream. 

I love soccer. I love watching it and I love playing.

Music speaks to my heart and the right song can take me from a crappy mood to a happy one in an instant! My favorites are Ed Sheeran, and Mumford and Sons. I looove creating playlists and incorporating music into my photo sessions. It gives me all the feels, opens up my creativity and helps me capture the story I am trying to tell.  

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My Loves


Todd and I have been married for almost 10 years and he is still my favorite person to hang out with. Todd is the most talented and artistic person I know and most of what hangs on the walls of our home was created by him. You can check out his work here! We share a love of movies and collect movie posters and our favorites go up on the walls. We are weirdly obsessed with the Marvel Universe and Disneyland!

Little Miss

Little Miss has more guts in her little finger than most people do in their whole bodies. I am pretty sure that is a quote from something but also totally true when it comes to this one. Her fearlessness terrifies me as a mom, and makes me so freaking proud at the same time! She is insanely cool, way cooler than me (and I'm pretty cool! Do people still use the word cool? I'm Awesome? Sick? You get it.)

Little Man

Little Man is so much like me it blows my mind! His favorite thing in the world is to snuggle on the couch, eat popcorn, and watch movies and he asks to do so on the daily! He has the sweetest heart and wants everyone to be happy, always!

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